Upcoming Opportunities
Professional Development
ĀTA supports and encourages the professional development of people in therapeutic outdoor related mahi in Aotearoa. Below are some ways we can support you in engaging in professional growth within the field.

We’re going to Te Tai Rāwhiti! 17th-21st May 2025
This event has two parts:
1st part) 17th – 10:30am till 19th – 9am Noho
2nd part) 19th – 9am till 21st – 4pm Hīkoi
Te toto o te tangata, he kai; te oranga o te tangata, he whenua, he moana.
While food provides the blood in our veins, our health is drawn from the land and sea.
The ĀTA wānanga aims to create a space of nourishment, connection, journeying, growth and fun for the outdoor therapeutic community of Aotearoa. A particular focus will be on sharing, understanding and weaving our cultural worlds to strengthen our community and practices.
The first part of the wānanaga will be a 2 night noho based at Pāhou Marae, in Tūranga-nui-a-kiwa. You will experience waka haurua and traditional navigation, rongā, mahi toi (arts), waiata and karakia. Although much of the learning will be gained from everyone sharing from their own kete of knowledge and experience, guest speakers will also share their expertise.
The second part will take us along the coast of Tairāwhiti and on a hīkoi into the ngahere at Ruatoria for 2 nights. Guided by mana whenua who will share skills around wild kai gathering, this shared journey can deepen our connection with ourselves, each other and te taiao (the natural world).
Although there is an option to attend only the first 3 days, our last ĀTA hīkoi showed us how much more connection and growth can be gained from a shared journey with each other and with te taiao so we wanted to create another opportunity for this. We can only take a small rōpū of 20 on the second part so look out for when registrations open and get in quick!
We look forward to sharing this epic and unique 5 day journey with you in Te Tai Rāwhiti!
Register here : https://events.humanitix.com/national-wananga-2025
We have a network of adventure therapy supervisors available for our members here in Aotearoa. If you can offer professional supervision and would like to join our list of supervisors you can complete this form. If you’d like to connect with a supervisor please sign in the members only area to view the supervisors list, or if you would like to sign up as a member, you can do this here.
The American Association for Experiential Education (AEE)
The AEE offers some excellent training webinars and resources. The best bit is that they are free to you as a member of ĀTA! If you would like to know how to access their resources please join as a member an email us.