Upcoming Opportunities

Professional Development

ĀTA supports and encourages the professional development of people in adventure therapy related mahi in Aotearoa. Below are some ways we can support you in engaging in professional growth within the field. 

ĀTA Hīkoi 24th – 27th August 2024

Whiria te Taura-here-tangata (Weave the strands of humanity together)

Interested in a unique bi-cultural learning journey centered around therapeutic mahi in the outdoors?
Check out our August Hikoi based in beautiful Kaiteretere near Motueka.

As you will see from the updated pānui (below) the dates have changed to 24th-27th August to better align the kaupapa with the maramataka. 

These 4 days of bi-cultural connecting and learning will be experienced in two haves:

The first 2 days will be based at Bethany Park in Kaiteretere with a focus of whanaungatanga and wānanga amongst our outdoor therapeutic community. People are coming from all over Aotearoa however the majority will be from Te Tau Ihu looking to learn, share and make connections. 

We are blessed to have tangata whenua attending this wānanga who will be sharing some of their incredible mātauranga Māori such as how to incorporate the maramataka into our outdoor mahi with our ākonga or tangata whai ora. 

Then the second half is hīkoi focused, a waka ama hoe together on Te Tai o Aorere to Anchorage Hut for the night. The hīkoi will keep a bi-cultural focus with sharing outdoor knowledge and skills from both tangata whenua and tangata tiriti. 

Our numbers are very limited so sign up soon if you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity to engage in rich in bi-cultural learning, outdoor knowledge and connections.  


This event has limited spaces so don’t miss out!  Register here (Humanitix is not supported by some browsers eg Safari.  Use Chrome or Edge)





Monthly Online PD – First Wednesday of every month

We have two series of online PD running – Engaging Respectfully with te ao Māori and Inclusion.  They will alternate each month.  The first Wednesday of every month 7 – 8:30pm.  Check out our FaceBook page for upcoming events and the zoom link.

If the event is recorded the links are posted on the members only area of the website.   Members should also receive a calendar invite to the session with the link. 



There will be no ‘conference’ for ĀTA in 2024 – check out joining one of the other PD opportunities.  We look forward to get together again for ĀTA conference in 2025!


We have a network of adventure therapy supervisors available for our members here in Aotearoa. If you can offer professional supervision and would like to join our list of supervisors you can complete this form. If you’d like to connect with a supervisor please sign in the members only area to view the supervisors list, or if you would like to sign up as a member, you can do this here.

The American Association for Experiential Education (AEE)

The AEE offers some excellent training webinars and resources.  The best bit is that they are free to you as a member of ĀTA!  If you would like to know how to access their resources please join as a member an email us.